前些日子得知: 雪貂的尾巴有一種特殊的香味,
是香味ㄡ, 不是異味, 更不是臭味
於是將我家阿貂尾巴抓起來聞一聞 第一次聞, 除了貂味什麼味道也聞不出來
後來有幾次終於讓我聞到了, 真的是[香味], 一種淡淡的清香,
有時聞起來像葡萄柚的味道, 有時聞起來像青蘋果的味道,
反正就是一種青青澀澀的香味… 是很好聞的香味~~~
這香味只有在雪貂的尾巴才有, 身體沒有這種味道.
麻麻說 我的尾巴超香的,
醬子是不是以後我都不用洗尾巴了? 嘿嘿!
剛剛上了美國的貂友網站, 發現多數的美國貂友認為雪貂的尾巴有"Grape Soda"葡萄汽水的味道~~
通常, 健康雪貂的尾巴聞起來都會有淡淡的"葡萄汽水"味道.
I also read that a healthy ferrets tail smells like grape soda.
Am I weird to ask this question: How much do WE stink to ferrets? Eh...good question!
I just mean, ferrets probably don't smell themselves as like "ferret smell", rather each human has their own smell that WE can't smell on ourselves! Ferrets probably skip into a room and say "smells like humans in here!"
But to answer your question, definitely not crazy. The other day I was at work and I sniffed the sleeve of my sweater and it faintly smelled like the sleepy ferret that was cuddling there a few hours before.
是香味ㄡ, 不是異味, 更不是臭味
於是將我家阿貂尾巴抓起來聞一聞 第一次聞, 除了貂味什麼味道也聞不出來
後來有幾次終於讓我聞到了, 真的是[香味], 一種淡淡的清香,
有時聞起來像葡萄柚的味道, 有時聞起來像青蘋果的味道,
反正就是一種青青澀澀的香味… 是很好聞的香味~~~
這香味只有在雪貂的尾巴才有, 身體沒有這種味道.
難怪, 上次帶阿貂出去玩時, 有人跟我說:他也養雪貂而且正在研究提煉雪貂味道的香水。
我當時以為他在開玩笑, 現在想想, 他應該是在說雪貂尾巴的香味吧….有人說: 我們雪貂尾巴超香的~
麻麻說 我的尾巴超香的,
醬子是不是以後我都不用洗尾巴了? 嘿嘿!
剛剛上了美國的貂友網站, 發現多數的美國貂友認為雪貂的尾巴有"Grape Soda"葡萄汽水的味道~~
通常, 健康雪貂的尾巴聞起來都會有淡淡的"葡萄汽水"味道.
I also read that a healthy ferrets tail smells like grape soda.
Am I weird to ask this question: How much do WE stink to ferrets? Eh...good question!
I just mean, ferrets probably don't smell themselves as like "ferret smell", rather each human has their own smell that WE can't smell on ourselves! Ferrets probably skip into a room and say "smells like humans in here!"
But to answer your question, definitely not crazy. The other day I was at work and I sniffed the sleeve of my sweater and it faintly smelled like the sleepy ferret that was cuddling there a few hours before.
yi ting 於 2012-10-22 18:03:43 回應
yi ting 於 2012-10-15 01:06:39 回應
shambhaba 於 2012-10-22 17:19:07 回覆
是沒有聽過有人說雪貂是[容易養]或者是[便利養]的...但是如果妳願意大量閱讀有關雪貂的資料,用心觀察她們的一舉一動, 且不在意對她們的金錢花費, 雪貂還是可以養的可愛寵物啦~~
Elle 於 2012-10-14 03:30:39 回應
SOGO-K 於 2012-10-13 09:08:38 回應