The spleen (in ferrets and in other animals and humans) has several functions: For Example.
ü It serve as a blood purifier, filtering out bacteria and damaged cells.
ü It provides the perfect environment for the cells of the immune system to learn how to counterattack an invasion of possible marauding organisms.
ü It stores iron from old red blood cells, which is used to make new red blood cells. In ferrets and many other species, the spleen is an additional site for red and white blood cells production.
ü In some species, the spleen stores blood and release it in time of need.
An enlarged spleen or splenomegaly) is extremely prevalent常見 in fuzzies, and no one really know why. This problem often appears by itself with no other underlying相關的 diseases. The ferret’s spleen normally gets larger with age, but sometimes this growth is accelerated. One common thought is that the use of certain anesthetics rapidly causes this condition. The enlargement in this case is temporary only while the animal is under the effects of the anesthetic. Then the spleen goes back to normal. The spleen is very elastic, and may enlarge and go back to normal on its own as well when responding to the body’s needs for cells.
Diagnosing an enlarged spleen is relatively easy. Most experienced vets should be able to feel the enlarged organ by simply squishing around the ferret’s abdomen. An X-ray often confirms the size and condition of the organ. Care should be taken not to apply enough pressure to rupture a severely bulging spleen.
The shared expert opinion regarding treatment is to leave the spleen in if it’s not causing discomfort or other problems. In other words, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. “Fuzzies generally can live long, healthy lives with big spleens. Removing a spleen unnecessarily can put your baby in more jeopardy. On the other hand, if the oversized spleen is causing discomfort, lethargy疲倦, or loss of appetite, removal of the organ is necessary. Surgery to remove the spleen actually is straightforward簡單, and the survival rate is extremely high – especially when no other illnesses are present.
It’s always a good idea to have your vet send out a sample of the spleen to a pathologist to determine the cause of the enlargement. Remember, illnesses or diseases caught early have a better chance or being treated more effectively.
__________________________________Information from Ferrets For Dummies, 2nd Edition