2014年4月10日 星期四

Insulinoma_seizure 雪貂之胰島素瘤與癲癇症

  1. ferrets can have seizures from several different diseases, but the most common cause is from low blood-sugar due to an insulinoma.
  2. Insulinoma胰島素瘤 causes the pancreas胰腺 to overproduce insulin胰島素.  Too much insulin will cause the blood sugar too low.  When the blood sugar gets too low, the problems begin.
    • insulinoma→overproduce insulin→blood sugar too lowproblems begin: seizure, screaming fit with a very high-pitched vocalization
    • 靜脈注射葡萄糖液. An IV catheter was put into the small vein in her front arm. An injection of sugar (dextrose) into the IV catheter.
    • anti-seizure medications need to be used. such as valium.
    • continued seizure activity, phenobarbital, propofol or general anesthesiz (with a gas such as Sevo or Iso) is the next thing to try.  

[導致癲癇症的可能原因 ]
[誘發因素 ]
低血糖. 胰島素過度分泌導致血糖過低,引起的身體抽蓄(癲癇).
[癲癇症發作時常見的症狀 ]
[癲癇症大發作時的照顧與處理 ]
[居家照顧 ]
多予病患心理支持。 病情穩定者可參加正常活動、目前使用的藥物及劑量。


  1. 大叫一聲倒地不起兩眼上吊口吐白沫四肢緊縮抽動嘴唇發紫意識喪失抽動停止清醒或沉睡,此屬大發作。
  2. 半邊臉與手腳抽,但意識清楚。
  3. 瞬間全身抖一下或如同斷了線的木偶墜落倒地。 全身僵硬、兩眼無神,呆滯的凝視前方、數秒後又回神。
  4. 有些病患會有先兆症狀出現,如眼前會有閃光或突然聽見奇怪的聲音。
  1. 先讓病患躺下,移開四周尖銳物品,側臥或頭側邊使口腔分泌物流出,以防阻塞呼吸道。
  2. 解開衣領、鈕釦等身上束縛物,遣散四周圍觀人群,讓空氣流通。
  3. 勿放置任何物品至病患口中;勿強制約束病患肢體。
  4. 不須特殊處理,靜待其發作過程過去即可,發作後病患可能會覺得疲倦、嗜睡。
  5. 記錄其發作時間、型態、次數。
  6. 提醒兵病患當有發作前兆時,就近找出個較安全之處坐下或躺下。
  7. 若病患連續發作應立刻就醫。 

 以上內容僅供參考用. 中文部分是來自人類癲癇症, 英文部分則來自雪貂胰島素瘤抽蓄發作資料. 兩者有部分雷同可參考,有些則存疑.

I had a ferret case that was quite challenging to treat. The ferret was brought in because she was having seizure activity. Ferrets can have seizures from several different diseases, but the most common cause is from low blood-sugar due to an insulinoma

Insulinoma is a type of cancer in the pancreas. It causes the pancreas to overproduce insulin. Too much insulin will cause the blood sugar to become too low. When the blood sugar gets too low, the problems begin.

The ferret’s blood sugar was checked, and it was very low. The ferret had an insulinoma that was causing the seizures. An IV catheter was put into the small vein in her front arm. She was then given an injection of sugar (dextrose) into the IV catheter. IV fluids were started to rehydrate her, and an injection of cortisone was given to help raise her blood glucose level. She began to improve some and was alert enough to drink some liquid dextrose.

Unfortunately her blood glucose level was still lower than normal, and she began having seizures again. This time she had a “screaming fit” with a very high-pitched vocalization. Some more dextrose was injected into the IV catheter, and some dextrose was added to the IV fluids. This time her glucose level rose above the normal range. This stimulated the insulinoma to release more insulin, and her glucose quickly became too low again. It was hard to get her seizure to stop this time.

When a ferret remains in a seizure that does not respond to correcting the glucose level, additional anti-seizure medications need to be used. In this case, I used some valium, but she continued to have seizure activity. Phenobarbital, propofol or general anesthesia (with a gas such as Sevo or Iso) is the next thing to try. For this ferret, I put her under general anesthesia with Sevo to stop the seizure. It was hard to maintain her glucose in the normal range over the next 24 hours, but she eventually recovered.鼬保持在癲癇發作,不糾正的葡萄糖水平做出反應,另外的抗驚厥藥物需要被使用。在這種情況下,我用一些安定,但她還是繼續有癲癇發作。苯巴比妥,丙泊酚麻醉或全身麻醉(用氣體如瑟沃或ISO)是未來的事情來嘗試。對於這個鼬,我把她帶之下瑟沃全身麻醉停止發作。這是很難維持她在正常範圍在接下來的24小時血糖,但她最終被收回。

Ferrets are not the only species to suffer from insulinomas. Insulinomas have been reported in dogs, cats, guinea pigs, cattle and people. Fortunately insulinomas are rare in most species.
