2014年5月17日 星期六

Ferret Food: Raw, Wet food or Kibble?

Q: Ferret雪貂該吃怎樣的食物.... 生食Raw? 濕食Wet food? 硬的商業寵物飼料Kibble?
A: 生食 raw 最好
  1. 雪貂天生牙齒的構造是尖銳形狀, 就是設計用來吃"raw"生食. It is very important to feed a species appropriate diet. Study the teeth, sharp pointed teeth are designed for grasping necks and pulling down prey, ferrets don't have flat topped molars for crunching kibble, like we do, horses do and cows do. Some animals, like humans, have a variety of shaped teeth that handle several different foods. Be observant. 
  2. 觀察ferret吃kibble後的殘留在地上的小屑屑..ferret是將kibble咬碎變小塊後吞下去,這就說明了,kibble這種食物的設計並不符合雪貂天生飲食的生理構造. The reason why you see all the tiny pieces of kibble bits on the floor is because ferrets do not have the flat topped molars to grind/pulverize. They are biting kibble into pieces in order to be able to swallow the smaller pieces. 
  3. 要清潔雪貂的牙齒,最好的方法是用"生"(=未煮過)的雞翅膀讓雪貂自己咬食. 這也是很好的營養來源. If you want clean teeth try RAW (never ever cooked) chicken wings chopped up. Touch their lips/mouth so they understand it is to eat. Chewing, ripping bones cleans their teeth. Excellent source of nutrition also.
  4. Kibble硬飼料不能清潔任何動物的牙齒, 只會腐蝕牙齒. Kibble does not clean any animals teeth - it erodes them. 

By Lindsey Breed Tootle  dated o May 22, 2014

As in humans we need our intestines to use muscles to "work" at digesting and moving chunks of food along. If we all ate soup and smooth foods we would lose muscle tone in the intestinal walls etc. It is very important to feed a species appropriate diet. Study the teeth, sharp pointed teeth are designed for grasping necks and pulling down prey, ferrets don't have flat topped molars for crunching kibble, like we do, horses do and cows do. Some animals, like humans, have a variety of shaped teeth that handle several different foods. Be observant. Think about what you are looking at. Studying animal dentition is fascinating. The reason why you see all the tiny pieces of kibble bits on the floor is because ferrets do not have the flat topped molars to grind/pulverize. They are biting kibble into pieces in order to be able to swallow the smaller pieces. If you want clean teeth try RAW (never ever cooked) chicken wings chopped up. Touch their lips/mouth so they understand it is to eat. Chewing, ripping bones cleans their teeth. Excellent source of nutrition also. Kibble does not clean any animals teeth - it erodes them. Same goes for your doggehs and kittehs! (raw bones to clean teefs)
